
Students will have landscaped beautiful spaces which makes them feel good to be at National Public School North.

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Class Room

Classrooms at NPS North are spacious and well resourced, large windows let natural light in throughout the day. Classrooms are designed in such a way that each student gets the teacher’s maximum individualized attention

The physical space and furniture can be rearranged to align with the principles of student agency, flexibility and choice that leverage multiple modes of learning. Classrooms have workstations that can be easily moved throughout the room so that students become comfortable with working in teams and can also seek out spaces for personal reflection and work. All classrooms are equipped with Smart Boards in addition to a state of the art modern Computer Science laboratory.

Computer Lab

Technology plays a major role in twenty-first century education. The new model of integrating technology into the curriculum means that computers are on demand throughout the school day. Technology helps in developing a plan that makes the most effective and efficient use of the computer. The computer laboratory has over 60 computers with a dedicated broadband internet connection for students. Student usage of media and technology are monitored and supervised by teachers.

Computer Lab
Science Lab

Science Lab

Science involves seeing, handling, understanding and manipulating of real objects and materials. Teaching science therefore requires a different approach. NPS NORTH combines classroom teaching with science laboratory experiments to derive the best results for their students. Besides offering the hands-on experience, the science laboratory teaches students how to make a scientific argument. Our labs are fully equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and is constantly updated to keep up with changing trends.

Math Lab

A Mathematics Laboratory is a place where the mathematical activities are carried out under the guidance of a teacher. In a Mathematics Laboratory, students get hands-on experience to understand the basic concepts of mathematics and helps in understanding abstract concepts. It provides scope for greater involvement of both the mind and the hand which facilitate cognition. Developing and conducting activities in the Math lab with age appropriate materials/resources is a multi-sensory approach to learning offered to students at NPS NORTH.

Math Lab

The Library

Library is the heart of a school’s academic activities. The instructional programme of a school is tremendously influenced by its library. A library exposes a student to one’s culture as well as makes him aware of other cultures, provides him/her with latest knowledge, introduces to new literature, thoughts and ideas. At NPS , the library is the main resource centre for students and can accommodate over 100 students at a time. Students have access to a vast collection of fiction and non-fiction books, reference books, academic journals, periodicals, magazines, newspapers and textbooks.

The Infirmary

The school pays special attention to health and sanitation of the students. There is an infirmary manned with a qualified nurse and two beds. Students who suddenly fall ill or are accidentally injured in the school campus seek refuge here and are nursed and given first aid. Staff also may avail this facility if and when required. The infirmary is well ventilated and equipped with basic first aid requirements. No medicines are administered to any student without parental permission. The infirmary is in strict accordance with the school policies specified and intimated to parents too.

Health Care