‘Leaders are not born, they are created’
The inceptive investiture ceremony for the academic year 2023-2024 was held on 7th July 2023 with the pomp and dignity that suits each title, the title holders and the members of the house at NPS- NORTH. The ceremony began with the customary invocation and singing the school prayer.
The four houses- Aqua, Ignis, Terra and Ventus were represented by their selected, HOUSE Prefect and the JUNIOR HOUSE Prefect. The Principal administered the oath, repeated by these young leaders and honoured each one of them by investing their badges, recognizing their leadership abilities and their role in translating the school vision to create leaders of tomorrow.
House mistresses for each house addressed the gathering along with the senior and junior prefects. The house system provides opportunities for student for exploring their innate potential, leadership styles and in fostering a strong school community which promotes team spirit, sense of belonging and ownership. All these are achieved through collaborative process and by consistently striving for excellence in every aspect of education. The houses engage in various innovative and engaging competitions through the year both in academic and other co -scholastic domains.
The significance of the ceremony is deep rooted in the core value of instilling in young learners, a sense of responsibility towards their houses and school which then percolates to the larger community, thereby fostering the, motto of NPS family – Reach Out , Reach High and Reach Beyond!!
It also celebrates the principles of unity in diversity, gratitude for everything big and small along with patriotism as the corner stone for achieving the goals of our great nation.
The investiture ceremony concluded with a vote of thanks followed by the rendition of national anthem.