‘Children with, happy faces and so much glee;
Tucked with Moms and Dads, perhaps want to be free.
With twinkling eyes and secure hands;
Shaped a freebie super grand!
A gala Carnival was organized by National Public School, North on 12th of November 2022 on the occasion of CHILDREN’S DAY. The event was mapped out in a way to bring about SELF LEARNING amongst the students through various activities designed by the creative faculties of NPS, North. Blessing of rain god did not dampen the spirit of either students’parents or their teachers.
Teachers carefully picked up various experiential learning activities , experiments ,crafts , toys and much more to engage young learners in their stalls . From naming of the stall to catchy displays, teachers engaged every child with their – head , heart and hands .Every engagement in the stalls offered an unique experience and ensured a handmade takeaway gift for their students .
Sustainable, recyclable materials were used to make the toys be it climbing butterfly , spinners , Shrink and Sink, Tangrams to name a fewThe activities kindled in student imagination ,curiosity and they wore their thinking caps too while enjoying the fulfilled carnival tent. Puppet show was a major hit so also was the flash mob and all these by their teachers.
The magician, potter, bouncy castle, hastakala were the add-ons along with yummy goodies at the Carnival to enjoy and memories to cherish lifelong.
Indeed the Carnival – ‘Tinkering Imagica’ was just a curtain raiser for plethora of many such events during the up-coming years.