The students of KG 2 ‘C’ conducted a special assembly on Tuesday, 27th June 2023 to celebrate the occasion of “World Environment Day.”
The assembly started with the rendition of the school prayer, after the prayer, a thought for the day that emphasized the importance of protecting the environment was shared, “Let’s unite and save the environment,” the thought for the day is an excellent way to create awareness among students, as it sets them thinking about it.
Following this, few students displayed slogans written on placards to build consciousness and express mindfulness. The slogans were simple and age -appropriate like,” Save Earth”, “Save Trees”, “Save Water’, “Do not throw garbage “.
In the teacher talk section of the assembly, the teacher emphasized on taking care of the environment by saving trees, saving birds, and planting trees. By highlighting the importance of conservation and being environment friendly, the teacher discussed the numerous benefits of trees and their contribution to the eco-system. She also encouraged students to take small steps that can lead to significant positive changes for the environment.
In addition to the assembly, the students took part in a experiential learning by taking a campus walk and observing their surroundings. After coming back to class, students drew what they could see in their environment- simple images of flowers, trees, people, sun, butterflies etc. This hands-on activity allowed them to connect with nature and understand the importance of having a clean and green environment.