Aligning with the summer solstice to symbolize light and vitality, NPS NORTH celebrated International Day of Yoga on 21st June 2024.
The assembly started with the rendition of the school prayer. The thought for the day shared; “Yoga is the gateway to happiness and the secret to a healthy mind” was aimed to inculcate, that practicing yoga everyday will lead to a healthier mind, body and soul.
Under the bright sun and crisp air, students and faculty gathered to perform Surya Namaskar and various other asanas, vividly demonstrated by a group of students. All students including Pre-Primary to Gr VIII were a part of this whole school celebration.
The student speech explained about Yuj being a Sanskrit root word for yoga which means “to unite,” “to add” or “to join.” The purpose of this was to enlighten that yoga is a discipline that aims to unite the mind, body and spirit and empowers us holistically.
The teacher’s talk emphasized how yoga asanas help us build strength, coordination and stamina. The event underscored yoga’s universal appeal while motivating students to incorporate it as a routine to adopt a healthier lifestyle.