Mind Matters

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“Inclusion is your responsibility.” – Unknown.

Being a Special Educator and talking about ‘Inclusion’ seems very cliché, right? Special Education field remains committed in bridging gaps, promoting equity and fostering a more inclusive and equitable society. It encompasses a range of services, strategies and supports designed to ensure that every individual, regardless of their challenges, receives a meaningful and inclusive education. At its core, inclusion seeks to embrace diversity in all its forms and create environments where everyone can thrive and contribute meaningfully.

  • How important was it to be included in that group, when you were a student? 
  • How did rejection feel like?

It’s the very basic/fundamental idea of co-existence, which allows us to be respectful of each being (insects, animals & etc.) present around us. An age-old proverb talks about how all the fingers not being the same, yet together they complement each other.

 Inclusion creates a space where everyone feels respected and valued for just being who they are. Inculcating a sense of Gratitude towards the abundance of our universe, being aware of our privileges – helps us to be mindful, and respectful. This involves creating a culture of empathy, understanding and support.

 Inclusion requires actively challenging stereotypes, prejudices, and discriminatory practices. It involves promoting awareness, education, and policies that promote fairness and equality.

Special Education & Counselling Team – EET