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STEM education is a dynamic approach to teaching students about science, technology, engineering, and maths. Students gain important abilities through STEM, such as creativity and problem-solving. Most of us would agree that STEM fields are essential for innovation and job generation in most nations. According to such belief, encouraging children’s scientific interests requires the support of both parents and teachers. Asking “why,” “how,” and “what if” questions and allowing kids to investigate and explain their surroundings rather than just giving them answers will help ignite their curiosity and lay the groundwork for the development of more complex abilities. Refrain from categorizing specific games or toys as exclusive to boys or girls. Make sure your child is aware of the wide range of opportunities that await them in the future and try to avoid imposing limitations that can unintentionally steer them away from the path they wish to take. Assist children in realizing that maths, science, and technology are all around them and that they use them on a daily basis. The ability to solve problems is a fundamental part of STEM education. Make use of regular instances to push your children to think of different approaches to a problem.

On the other hand, STEM education is enhanced by the inclusion of the arts (STEAM). Education through STEAM guarantees that a child receives an education that is comprehensive and well-rounded. With STEAM, kids are encouraged to try things out, make mistakes, and learn from their experiences in order to get the greatest outcomes rather than relying just on what the textbook says. Traditional education, which is lacking in experiential learning, is being replaced by a new model that will result in far deeper and better learning. Your ability to express yourself and use your imagination to solve problems will be enhanced by STEAM instruction. Students are encouraged, for instance, to develop their own methods rather than concentrating on the well-known ones available in textbooks. From an early age, it draws children’s interest and fosters a lifetime love of the arts and sciences. The study of the humanities, languages, art, new media, and other subjects is part of the STEAM syllabus. STEAM makes use of both hard and soft skills to solve problems such as data visualization. A Person can succeed in both their personal and professional life if they can master any of these areas in addition to STEM.

Thank You


Ria Chakraborty


National Public School North